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and you know everything that i know

maura @ 8:42 pm

We’re just back today from our crazy summer beach house week, this year with 18% more family members (and 40% more bedrooms!). It was really lovely. The weather was fabulous (much, much, MUCH better than last year, when it rained nearly the entire week). We had lots of iconic beach experiences: wave jumping, mini golfing, hermit crab hunting, bumper car driving, water ice eating. Gus is the eldest of the 5 offspring of me + my sibs, and he enjoyed his role as their lord + master.

Now it’s T-minus two (2!) days until the start of FIRST (!!!) grade. Gus’s school sent us the required supplies list 3 weeks ago. Do you think we here at mauraweb! acted on it then? If you answered “No,” you’re right! So Gus and I will be spending all afternoon tomorrow flinging ourselves at many of Brooklyn’s fine shopping establishments in search of notebooks, folders, colored pencils, baby wipes, paper towels, liquid soap, and other essentials of elementary education. Good times!

4 comments on “and you know everything that i know”

Anne (1 September 2007 at 10:35 pm)

Hermit crabs? Where were you, the Caribbean? The Outer Banks has ghost crabs. ooooooooooooo scary!

p.s. This was hard to write. My “o” key is acting up.

maura (2 September 2007 at 9:16 pm)

New Jersey! The beach has sand crabs, and the bay has blue crabs, hermit crabs (with lots of thin little legs, mostly they seem to be water-dwelling, not like the pets), snails, teeny shrimp and minnows, ALL of which were caught by Gus + his cousins and kept in a shallow dish all week long until they were set free Saturday morning. Yay for nature!

Anne (3 September 2007 at 2:06 pm)

Max caught a bunch of sand fleas (I think 24, he does remember the exact number). They are kind of icky.

maura (3 September 2007 at 8:16 pm)

Eeeew, sand fleas, that does sound icky. We stuck to fish + crustaceans (which I guess are like sea insects, anyway).

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