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have a scarfy barfy christmas

maura @ 7:15 pm

Christmas morning we opened presents here and hung around the house for a while, having breakfast and calling grandparents. Then it was off to my family’s in the afternoon, which took longer than expected because Gus and Jonathan had head colds and snot makes everyone slower.

We arrived at our destination only to learn that the stomach flu had stricken 2 family members. But we thought hey, we’re strong, we can take it. Christmas night everyone went to bed early except for me, and while I would rather have been watching Christmas Vacation with everyone as planned, it was nice to have some quiet time to sit and read.

The day after Christmas dawned and most of the afflicted seemed to be on the mend. We did cancel our extended family gathering, but us nuclear family took the risk of hanging out together. By dinnertime everyone was back to eating the normal holiday foods: lots and lots of cookies.

The next day we left the house! But it was cold and windy at the playground so we didn’t stay out for long. After dinner we hugged everyone goodbye, piled a pajamaed Gus into the car, and started the trek back to Brooklyn, congratulating ourselves for not getting sick. I felt a little nauseous on the Verazzano, but I’m prone to carsickness so I wasn’t too concerned.

Until 4am, that is, when I was finally felled by the flu. Gus succumbed at 6am. We spent most of yesterday moving from sofa to bed, drinking ginger ale, and sleeping. Jonathan seemed to be catching it around dinnertime, but strangely just got a weird fever sickness instead.

By this morning we were all mostly fine, though the mountains of laundry to do did turn the stomach somewhat. We have all played more video games and watched more videos today than we probably should have, but that’s recovery for you.

Vomit is never fun, but it was worth it if only to see Jonathan’s glee at FINALLY convincing us to play Carcassonne with him. Next time I am taking you ALL down with my mad farming skillz, beware!

2 comments on “have a scarfy barfy christmas”

Anne (29 December 2006 at 9:03 pm)

Yeah, I thought I was just carsick, too, from being in the foothills and all! Bleah! Glad we’re all better!

maura (1 January 2007 at 9:48 pm)

Me too! This one has a narstay incubation period — my sister JUST got it, nearly a week later! Weird.

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