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i spend the afternoon in cars

maura @ 12:43 pm

So apparently Free Friday does not necessarily = Blog Friday, because it’s been nearly a month since I’ve posted.

We’ve been busy having a grandparenty month. J’s mom came to visit the first weekend in Oct., then last weekend we all went to Vermont for my stepsister’s wedding, then tomorrow my mom comes for the day and the following weekend my dad + stepmother are coming (plus, Halloween). Phew!

Hopefully it won’t rain ALL day tomorrow. I’d love to get my mom + Gus out of the house so I can do some cleaning. Plus I am still psychically traumatized from the eight (8!) long days of rain last week, starting the minute Jonathan’s mom got here and not ending until we crossed the border from VT to NY last Sunday. EIGHT days of indoors with a preschooler, plus a long car trip and a wedding! No wonder he made me hold his hand and walk down the aisle with him (I carried the pillow, too). If I’d have known *I* would be the ring bearer, I would have done something with my hair.

Today’s topic: the death of Autumn for me.

I LOVE fall. Love love love it. Always have. The cooler temps, the foliage, the excitement afforded by a new school year (once a geek, always a geek). Plus, Halloween! A holiday so great I got married on it. Around these parts we break out the Halloween dishtowels right after Labor Day, I tell you what.

But recently fall’s been sort of getting me down. There’s just so MUCH to do lately. First there’s Halloween, then Thanksgiving, then Gus’ birthday right afterwards, then Xmas. Bam bam bam bam, suddenly it’s New Year’s. This year we also have the public school kindergarten tours sprinkled throughout November and December, for good measure.

I’m exhausted just thinking about it.

Plus, there is the gift trauma. I get very worked up about gifts recently, wanting desperately to give the perfect gift to every one: practical, fun, eco-conscious, not too expensive but not cheap either, non-disposable, useful and unique. Easy peasy, right?

Last year lots of folks got cookies, and I think we will do that for the extended family this year, too. And I actually have a really great idea for my sister and brother, providing I can find the time to execute it. Sometimes I think I should start donating to charities in everyone’s names, but that doesn’t really scratch people’s holiday unwrapping itch.

Grinchy, grinchy me.

But, on the plus side, it’s good to be back in Brooklyn, woo hoo! Seriously, while we had a nice time in VT, I just cannot fathom how those non-city dwellers can get in their cars and drive everywhere everyday and not go insane! Of course, if I didn’t get carsick I might not feel this way. Driving, bah.

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