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how can i be sure you’re breaking all the rules

maura @ 12:31 pm

I’ve been mulling over a semi-regular blog thing. Really what I need is something to make me write every day. Not too much, maybe 200 words or so, but more often than I usually blog. It’s a prompt problem, really. What kind of a prompt can I use that would make me write something different every day?

So here’s my attempt: today’s earworm. What song is stuck in my head and why. Let’s give it a shot, shall we?

Last week “Don’t Tell Me” by Blancmange popped into my head. I do have this record (vinyl), though I can’t recall the last time I listened to it. And I think it’s one of the records that a pal gave me a few years ago when she was ditching all of her vinyl — that is, I don’t think I bought it when it was released.

But I did like this song. My guess is that I listened to it via Rock Over London, a radio show I used to listen to in 9th or 10th grade (Wikipedia says 1984). We lived in this strange house on a hill surrounded by trees, and because my bedroom was on the 1st floor it was hard to get radio reception so I used to listen to it on the family stereo upstairs in the living room. Of course I taped the show on cassettes to listen to later — who didn’t? It’s funny to think of this now with all the hoo-hah over illegal downloading. I remember hearing that all of our cassettes would disintegrate over time, but it’s surprising to me how well some of mine have held up. Of course, the only tape player we have anymore is in the car. Let’s hear it for old media!

P.S. I didn’t know what Blancmange was when I first heard the song, and was later dismayed to discover that it’s a custardy dessert. I have a dread fear of puddings and custards.

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one comment on “how can i be sure you’re breaking all the rules”

mauraweb!» archive » and the circus in my head (8 January 2011 at 1:06 pm)

[…] probably noticed that I haven’t stuck to my “what’s my current earworm?” writing prompt. For about the past week and a half it’s been “Bright Yellow […]

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