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day 2…

maura @ 10:52 pm

…and already I am too spent to post. How did this happen? Probably my grand tour of NYC today: to the Upper West Side and then to Kips Bay for meetings, then back to work in Brooklyn (for a conference call and then a meeting a few blocks away in the other building), then back to Manhattan for dinner, then home. Rode 8 subways today. A good day, if tiring. Wish I could buy a few more hours, but doesn’t look like that’ll happen.

If I ever fail to be impressed by the view when the train goes over the Manhattan Bridge, that’s when I know it’ll be time to leave New York.

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one comment on “day 2…”

maura (4 November 2010 at 11:17 pm)

Ha! I am so spent I didn’t even realize it was day 3! Me fail.

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