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and why 2 plus 2 makes 4

maura @ 10:13 pm

Status Update, From What Has Become The Blag of Whining:

1. We’ve all adjusted fine to falling back (11/2’s post). I like that it’s light when we get up, though I don’t like leaving work in the dark.

2. The cats still like their low-rent kitty condo (11/3’s post). Jonathan made a tunnel in out of an old cereal box and now it’s fresh and new!

3. I emailed some friends about Gus’s hope for Obama’s presidency (11/4’s post), only to discover that their kids think that Obama will abolish homework. Foolish children.

4. The Pratt mug is nice + deep + good for tea (11/5’s post).

5. My leg is a lot better (11/6’s post), but still not 100%. But it’s better enough that tomorrow I may get off the subway 1 stop early and take the stairs at work. Living on the edge!

6. Tonight we are trying a New Sleep Plan, in which we leave the door to Gus’s room open in a (vain?) attempt to stave off whatever sleep issues may arise (11/9’s post). We will see if it works.

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2 comments on “and why 2 plus 2 makes 4”

Em (10 November 2008 at 10:55 pm)

Cheers to the new sleep plan!

I slept on my parents floor for about a year after watching Foul Play in the theater. We had to move from WI to NY to correct the problem.

Now that I am a parent I am very, very sorry for what I did, but I was afraid of the albino in the movie.

maura (11 November 2008 at 10:04 pm)

Eh, still a little bumpy on the sleep road, but hopefully we’re on an upswing.

I used to sleep on my parents’ floor, too. Until my sister was born and shared my room. No one likes to sleep alone, it’s a mammal thing!

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