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and now i don’t hear anything else

maura @ 9:54 pm

Why does it seem lately like the less I blag the more Mimi Smartypants does? Which is good in a way, because then when I finally have time to read her blag I have a nice backlog to catch up on. That sounds so negative…really, it’s a good backlog! I think the word “backlog” is onomatopoeiadically* bad-sounding, there’s no way around it.

* which is the second word I’ve made up today! The first was “useways,” which is like foodways except about users + using. In a non-junkie sense, of course. Coffee + research days = wheeee!

But what I really want to talk about is that I realized recently that scooting to work is kind of like a video game. I mean, of course it’s fun and all, but it also engages video gamey parts of my brain. All of that scanning for pedestrians (who are moving erratically while talking/texting), watching for sidewalk irregularities, aiming for curb cuts and keeping an eye out for cars driven by people who don’t remember that pedestrians AND scooteurs have the right of way…all of that reminds me of a good video game, esp. one of the racing (maximum power!) or snowboarding (stiffy!) variety.

I haven’t had much time for video games lately, which makes me a little bit sad because I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about them. I might even be germinating a research project, but there’re 2 others ahead of it so I’m trying not to let myself get carried away. At least not til that time extender’s invented.

The small bits of gaming I have been doing have all been on the iphone. I’m still incredibly stingy about it so I’ve only bought one game: Subway Shuffle (I think it cost $2.99). It’s a puzzle game designed by some math whizzes and pushes all of my puzzley and trainy buttons. Plus you can pick it up and put it down anytime without suffering for it (I just can’t make time for games that require lots of level memorization right now).

The other games I have are all free, and I’m somewhat embarrassed to admit that the one I’m gravitating towards now is RemovEm, another puzzley game. The UI is clean + pretty, but the gameplay is along the repetitive, pattern recognition lines of Tetris. Which I don’t consider to really be a game as much as a way to pass the time (oooh, burn!). I’m disappointed in myself, but I keep being lured back in by the way that RemovEm sort of looks like my ur-puzzle game, Tesserae. Oh Tesserae, how I miss you!

And SimCity, too. That would be kickass on an iphone.

2 comments on “and now i don’t hear anything else”

Karen (27 October 2008 at 10:07 pm)

They have simcity on the iphone?

*twitch* *twitch*

I still haven’t gotten a new phone. I am lame.

maura (28 October 2008 at 9:24 pm)

Dude, it’s coming (apparently):

I may not be able to resist, and if so, I’ll let you know how it is.

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