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long nights with the headphones on

maura @ 8:57 pm

So, writing. Haven’t done much of it lately, which makes me feel grumpy. And out of practice. Resolved: write more.

Those krazy kats over at NaBloPoMo have decided to kick it up to every day, every month. I can’t spare the time for that, but I will use this month’s theme (Lists) as tonight’s posting framework.

5 Super Things About the Location of My New Job:

1. Close enough to walk to work! (And far enough that it’s actually decent exercise to walk fast to work in the morning.) I feel a little nerdy doing the Mr. Rogers changing shoes thing at work, but what can you do?

2. Farmer’s market in the plaza nearby on Tuesdays! (And apparently on Thursdays, too, from April-December). This was esp. useful early last week when we didn’t have enough food for lunch — I scored some Empire and Jonagold apples and averted starvation (or hitting the vending machines).

3. OMG the BEST post office ever!!! Longtime (har) readers will recall that I have post office issues. This post office has TWO automated machines (in a space open 24/7!) and stamp machines and windows and lots of space and forms and envelopes and a scale — incredible! It’s the main post office, of course, so it would have all of that stuff. It’s the post office promised land!

4. Pretty close to the Goodwill, too (and you know how I love the Goodwill). And there’s other decent shopping nearby, very handy for errands.

5. Convenient to eight (8!) subway lines, which makes for easy trips home, to Gus’s school, or into/back from Manhattan (east AND west sides!). Not that I’ve taken the train to Gus’s school yet, but it’s only 2 stops away, what could be easier?

2 comments on “long nights with the headphones on”

Anne (31 March 2008 at 8:07 am)

Functional stamp machines?

Slowest p.o. in my experience: Williamsburg (the one next to the train station). I would spend an entire lunch hour in that stupid line! Could walk there from work but it was faster to go to the one down by the courthouse (driving tho) because nobody knew it existed.

maura (31 March 2008 at 8:03 pm)

Well, I haven’t tried them yet, but they look functional. And there are so damn many of them, surely they can’t all be broken? I was supposed to go today and mail some birthday presents (all a little late, oops) but we woke up late so I guess I will go tomorrow.

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