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pressing buttons every day

maura @ 6:25 pm

You may be wondering, how was the popfest? It was great! I wish I’d been able to make it to more than 2 shows, but honestly just going to those wiped me out. A huge incredible amount of work went into pulling the whole thing off, the organizers are amazing superpeople!

I’d only heard Bunnygrunt and Pipas before going to the shows, so it was fun to catch some new (to me) bands. The Saturday show was HOT but fantastic: indiepop + Astroland + hot dogs + vaguely confused people walking by = fun. Yay Scary Monster! And seeing Bunnygrunt at Coney Island was utterly perfect.

Sunday night’s show was also great, if a little more tiring. Seven bands, who knew I could stay up that late? Of course Pipas were swoon-worthy, totally worth the late night.

But my biggest surprise of the popfest was Best Fwends — where have I been all their lives?! When you say their name out loud it kind of makes you want to punch them. They’re 2 spazzy kids from Texas who plugged in their electropunkpop ipod and instantly had everyone bouncing around, flirting with heatstroke. They also attracted the most random passersby of any band, including a semi-toothless grandpa-age guy dancing and throwing the devil horns. It was AWESOME.

Gus liked them too! I think he was spellbound by the realization that actual grown-ups can dance crazily and sing loudly in public. Imagine when he grasps that sometimes those grown-ups can even make money that way!

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