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then i’ll dig a tunnel

maura @ 7:07 pm

Hello universe, I’m ready for March to be over now. It seems like there’s been a succession of small annoyances over the past month and I’m just tired of it.

First I got an irritation on my arm, necessitating a visit to the dermatologist. Total bill = $140, ouch. Also, we got a parking ticket. Yeah, that isn’t really an illness, but at $115 the ticket nearly made me sick, anyway. And now I have a cut on my finger. Finger cuts are the worst — all those nerves, so so painful, hard to type.

I’m currently recovering from a shin splint. At least I think it’s a shin splint — Jonathan thought it was a blood clot, but I think I’d be dead by now if so. My leg was a little swollen and it squeaked when I flexed my foot. It is getting better, per the interweb’s instructions to elevate, alternate heat and ice, and take ibuprofen. But it’s taking forever and I haven’t been to the gym in over a week, which makes me grumpy.

And how did I even get a shin splint, anyway? I do go to the gym, but it’s not like I’m iron man or anything. A little cardio on the elliptical machine, just like the 70 yr old working out beside me. A little weight-bearing exercise, in the hopes of heading off osteoporosis when I’m an old lady. Hardly the stuff of shin splints.

Also the garbage disposal broke (after only 6 yrs, shouldn’t it have lasted longer?). The toilet broke, and then the other toilet broke, but only for a minute, thankfully. Then the vacuum cleaner announced its slow decline when it stopped sucking. Usually we are happy when things no longer suck, but of course the vacuum cleaner is an exception.

I guess all’s well that ends well, because we now have: 1) a new, virtually quiet garbage disposal; 2) new, lower-flow toilet innards; and 3) a new, bagless and sucking vacuum cleaner. And I hope that Al Gore will forgive us buying a new vacuum cleaner rather than trying to get the 10 yr old one fixed, because the new one is bagless, and that’s all eco, right? Plus we will Freecycle the old one, promise. Let me tell you about the bagless: the first time you use it you will be shocked, SHOCKED, at how much stuff comes out of your carpets. Who knew what could hide in low-pile area rugs?

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