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maura @ 8:41 pm

My last paper’s been turned in, and with the end of this semester I am now officially 1/2 a librarian*, woo hoo! It’s kind of mindblowing that the program is so quick. Just as in previous semesters, while I am happy to have a break from schoolwork, I miss my classes already.

* Which half? The left, of course.

Yes, I know, I’m a hopeless nerd. I even have some scintillating intersession reading picked out: a newly-published online searching book (assuming I can get my paws on it from the library) and Strunk + White’s Elements of Style. Why the latter? Because one of my New Year’s resolutions is to stop writing like a fusty old academic. Simplicity and clarity, that’s my new writing motto. Rock on.

And while I’ve got you here, let me complain about my visor. Which has stopped synching to my computer, for no apparent reason. Of course it is 10 zillion years old (and my Mac’s no spring chicken, either), and probably I just have to reinstall the software. But during this, the most busy and stressful wonderful time of the year, I haven’t had time to deal with it yet.

It’s been illuminating to see how much I’ve come to rely on that little guy over the past few months. My lists! My precious, precious lists!

And speaking of lists, over the past few weeks I’ve been putting every non-emergency thing that comes up onto a list titled “intersession”, figuring that’s when I’ll have time to do it. If you saw this list you would laugh and laugh — it’s grown to utterly inhuman proportions. All I want for xmas is the ability to not need sleep.

2 comments on “skating”

daniel (19 December 2006 at 11:39 am)

maura (21 December 2006 at 5:44 pm)

Cool! I have yet to really probe the depths of Library Thing. It’s weird that they haven’t gotten the Suggester up and running BUT the UnSuggester is live!

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