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time goes flying by

maura @ 7:39 pm

I don’t know how to knit. A while ago I found myself talking with three friends, all of whom knit in the European style. I hadn’t even known there was a European way to knit that was different from the American way. Then they started speaking German while talking about knitting and I really couldn’t keep up.

Lots of people seem to knit these days. I see them on the subway + bus all the time. If I did knit I probably would not knit in transit; that’s typically when I get to read for pleasure. I’m intrigued by the possibility of knitting while watching TV though — or would stitches be dropped?

Why don’t I knit? That’s a good question. I like to consider myself a crafty gal, and I do know how to sew reasonably well. Plus, my mom knits, as did my grandmother (they taught me how to sew when I was little).

Time is the answer, I think. My mom gave me a knitting book + sock puppet project for xmas a few years back and I still haven’t found the time to give it a whirl. Last year for xmas J’s stepdad gave me some hand-knitted (not by him) socks that are both beautiful and completely comfy, and as winter approaches I think often about how nice it would be if I could knit cozy + colorful socks for our whole family. But there’s just no time.

Bed rest, that’s the solution. I think knitting can be put in the same mental box as putting our photos in albums and editing all the video we’ve taken of Gus over the past almost-5 yrs: something to do if I’m ever on bed rest.

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