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with a thousand miles of real estate to choose from

maura @ 9:57 pm

We’re maxing and relaxing here in the midwest, day 4 of Camp Grandma + Grandpa. In some ways I feel that I’ve gotten surprisingly little done. I *have* caught up on sleep, which is major and excellent. But I have all of these other emailing journaling reading writing goals and I haven’t met them yet. How silly to have goals for vacation. It’s vacation, stupid, relax already!

This year Gus is majorly into the pottery thang (Jonathan’s stepdad is a potter). He’s already made about 8 bowls on the wheel (assisted, of course), child labor laws be damned! Of course, the unfettered access to the garden hose is also a big plus. We have a kiddie pool at home in our courtyard but we’re always having to yell at him to keep the water in the pool, share the hose with the neighbor kids, etc. Here it’s crazy hose time, all the time!

On the down side, yesterday he got stung by a wasp. Sometimes it hurts to be so curious, poor kid. But he’s fine, and Jonathan and I got to learn what Gus’ I’m REALLY hurt (not just frustrated or angry) scream sounds like. Damn nature.

My first library class is over, sniff. As I’ve repeatedly said these past 6 weeks I really loved it — personality-wise reference is a good fit for me. I loved chasing down info. and learning about all those cool reference sources (though I wish I’d known about them in grad school the first time). Plus I realized that Gus is good reference training, too. I mean, my normal day already involves answering about 100 questions on a wide variety of topics. Our latest source is the “body book” — the Merck Manual, which we first consulted to see a picture of an appendix (because of Madeline, of course). Now I am thinking he needs an atlas of the human body for kids — any recommendations?

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