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there’s other fish in the sea

maura @ 9:19 pm

This week I finally went back to the gym after taking a month-long hiatus for various reasons. The cardio didn’t really faze me, but I am sore from the (meager) weights that I lift. Also, it appears that they’ve changed the radio station at the gym to some sort of lite soul station. Much as I do love the smoove grooves of Sade and the greatest hits of Pebbles, they’re not really good for getting that workout blood pumping. I much prefer the brainless, 140-ish bpm dance music they played in February. Harrumph.

Most hilarious thing Gus said this week: “Mommy, are my elbows heavy?”

And speaking of fish, we had a pretty excellent (if too short) time in Florida. Gus liked SeaWorld, though he was a bit disappointed to discover that there was no place for him to swim there. But the hotel pool was really nice. It was hoooooooot at SeaWorld, though the orcas and manatees were really, really cool.

So here’s a question for you: should I shave my head? No, this is not because of Natalie Portman, though she is a cutie and I am so so so happy that the whole Star Wars fiasco hasn’t ruined her career. And actually I don’t really mean shave, I mean just buzz it really short. I’ve never had hair that short before, and it seems enviably easy to deal with. On the other hand, I’m a wimp. And while my long hair is often a pain to deal with, I think it flatters me. And it’s been this long (with a retrospectively bad though blessedly short phase when I had a sort of long bob) for the better part of 20 yrs. And I might look like the opposite of a dalmatian: it’s getting pretty grey, but it’s hard to tell where the grey is: what if it’s in spots all over my head? Also, Gus might freak out.


5 comments on “there’s other fish in the sea”

betsy (12 April 2006 at 11:57 am)

Lisa says “sure why not.” how short do you mean by short? grow-back can be painful for curly hair. I had my head shaved once (Lisa did it). it’s all a foggy memory now with no pictures to serve as evidence, but I remember the awkward growing out period very very well.

maura (12 April 2006 at 7:49 pm)

Yeah, Jonathan’s nixed the buzzcut plan, probably for the best. I had short hair as a preteen and growing it out was 2 yrs of awkward that I don’t really want to go through again. Plus, on closer examination, I do think I would have the dalmatian problem after all.

Sigh. With summer coming I guess I will just wear it up a lot. Which Gus has actually told me he prefers, funny kid.

Anne (3 June 2006 at 6:11 pm)

I am so far behind reading this…

We were at SeaWorld a few years ago. I was so tired by the time we got to the manatees that I was happy you could just lie down on the floor and take a nap in the big room. Well maybe you can’t but I did…

As for the hair–oh, well I see you’ve decided, but if you have to ask yourself, the answer is probably “no.” “The opposite of a dalmatian” is quite an image, though. Kind of like Harry the Dirty Dog.

maura (5 June 2006 at 7:46 pm)

Yeah, you are right on the “if you have to ask” tip. Though I am still occasionally thinking of shaved heads wistfully, like when it is 80 degrees + 90 percent humidity. Of course that would be more places to have to put sunscreen, which would really suck.

Anne (6 June 2006 at 8:40 pm)

Nothing compares 2 hats!

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