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you are like the clean white page and i the pen

maura @ 3:00 pm

Woah, 11 days since I last wrote! What have I been doing with myself? Seemed like a lot at the time, but now I can’t remember anything specific. I guess I did sleep a lot to kick the illness out of my system, with eventual success, hurrah!

All of which means that I don’t have much to say, so I’m going to steal my friend Anne’s idea.

Maura’s To Do List:
(a selection of 10 items, and not in any particular order)

1. Take 2 shirts back to the Goodwill: okay, this really does have to be done today, because they only give you 5 days for returns. One I don’t really like, on second thought, and one I like a whole lot but it’s polyester which means that I really will never wear it, since polyester makes me hot. But it’s a drag, because the pattern is really funky.

I have to give mad props to this Goodwill, it is huge and excellent (even has kids clothes!) and oh-so-inexpensive, even cheaper than the Salvation Army that I used to frequent but don’t now because I read that they discriminate against their gay employees. If you ever need clothes and are in north Brooklyn, just head down to the corner of Livingston + Bond, they’ll set you up.

2. Take pants purchased at Goodwill last week to the dry cleaner.

3. Laundry (really, who doesn’t have laundry to do?).

4. Buy my sister a birthday present (that’ll be tomorrow, since she wants a gift certificate to the gap and there’re about 5 of them right near my office, it’s like an infestation).

5. Buy some foot inserts for those fancy shoes so I can finally wear them.

6. Buy birthday presents for other folks who have them coming up, and for those I’ve been delinquent on from last year, bad me!

7. Answer email: of course this is always on my list. Last year my resolution was to answer all email within a week, but of course that was way too ambitious. This year I’m thinking a month. So far, so good, though there’s one from 12/28 hanging out in my inbox so I’d better hop to it.

8. Find time to meditate: another perpetual list item. I’m getting pretty good about working some casual, counting-breaths stuff into daily downtime like while working out, walking home, and falling asleep, but haven’t gotten off (or on!) my ass to actually sit down purposefully for 15 or so minutes/day. Part of it is that I can’t quite figure a time to do it. Ideally I’d like to meditate first thing in the morning, but it’s hard to get up any earlier than I already do. Plus Gus will usually wake up when I get up. Hmm, guess this one still needs to be worked on.

9. Redesign this damn site: yesterday while researching search engine optimization at work I came across a fully mocking forum posting that said something along the lines of “can you BELIEVE that SOME people are still using frames???” To which I say “Can you believe that some people have no time to redesign their web sites? What does this look like to you, my childless 90s? No, it’s the child-ful 00s, so give me a break!” Sheesh. But yeah, this site is stupid, and not stupid like the way the kids talk about cool stuff these days, but just plain old stupid.

10. Write in blog.

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