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the sun a small star

maura @ 10:38 pm

Attention fellow residents of Prospect Heights:

Now that the weather’s warming up (not that it was ever really that cold this winter to begin with, stupid global warming) my offspring and I will be spending much more time out and about on the mostly lovely streets of our neighborhood. So it is with much neighborliness that I implore you to

CURB YOUR (damn) DOG AND SCOOP THE (damn) POOP (please!)

Let’s break it down, shall we?

CURB: This is the very edge of the sidewalk, right next to the street. It’s most courteous to have your dog do its business there, because most people don’t spend a lot of time walking on this particular bit of sidewalk. The curb is not the building side of the sidewalk — please note that when you let your dog pee on that side then there’s a little river of pee all the way down to the street. Nobody likes pee river jumping at 8am.

YOUR: Possessive pronoun which indicates that the canine(s) in question do, indeed, belong to you, presumably a responsible adult who realizes that dogs don’t use the toilet and thus need cleaning up after.

DOG: The animal in question. Four-legged and furry, often very sweet, yet must deposit waste products somewhere (as must all animals).

SCOOP: Using a plastic bag, pick up the excrement left so thoughtfully at the curb by your dog. Simple and neighborly, why not do it today?!

POOP: The waste product in question.

Seriously, it is DISGUSTING the amount of dogshit in my neighborhood these days. PEOPLE, let’s get it together!

Thank you.

In other news, there’s really no other news. I’m hard at work on not one but two top secret projects, but I can’t tell you about them yet because they are TOP! SECRET! Gus has been watching a lot of Pee Wee lately. We made chocolate cookies for a friend’s birthday last week and there were too many for the box, so now the extras are in our freezer, mocking me with their irresistible chocolatyness. We had a very fun surprise visit from a friend of ours from college over the weekend. I’m sort of caught up on email, but I haven’t talked to anyone in my family for a long time. We’re considering taking the train to visit my dad in VT — it’s an 8.75 hr train ride as opposed to a 7.5 hr car ride (driving time, not including stops) and much cheaper than flying (even on JetBlue, bah). But man, that’s a loooooong ride. Thoughts?

2 comments on “the sun a small star”

Maura (26 March 2006 at 9:55 pm)

My dog poops in the bushes so be careful

maura (28 March 2006 at 10:28 pm)

Thanks for the heads up! I’ll keep that kid of mine out of the bushes.

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