walked down the street looking at my feet
maura @ 6:44 pm
Here’s another time warp post: as I type this I’m at a conference for work, but by the time you read this it will be tonight after I get home. Not really a big deal, except that the conference is an internet conference and I have been completely unable to actually connect to the internets the whole time I’ve been here. First I tried to get online in one of the session rooms (*before* the session started, honest!), but no dice. Then it took me a million years to find the poorly-signed (People! Where are the directional arrows?) “wifi lounge” (<snort>). THEN I finally connected only to be redirected to some weird proxy page which came up blank. Not that I should bemoan the lack of internets here, I mean, I am listening to these sessions most of the day, it’s not like I need to be surfing. But it’s the principle of the thing: WHY AM I UNABLE TO CONNECT TO THE INTERNETS AT AN INTERNET CONFERENCE? Sheesh.**
In other news, Jonathan’s sick with a chest cold again, and Gus had pinkeye last week (missed 1 day of school) and got strep throat (with bonus scary swollen neck glands!) over the weekend (missed 2 days of school). The pediatrician said Gus needed to stay home from school a second day, and I should have sent her over to her house to run screaming up and down HER hallway because that boy was clearly better. Not that we didn’t have any fun — we went into Manhattan for an errand and had lunch at his favorite restaurant*, which is always a hoot. He orders grilled cheese and a side of carrot-ginger dressing and proceeds to dip the sandwich in the dressing before each bite, enthusiastically proclaiming his utter and undying love for the meal. It’s insanely cute.
Afterwards we took a special crazy inefficient subway route home that required riding THREE trains, which pretty much blew his mind clean away. As he grows up I will miss these days when just riding extra subways can make his day.
On the down side, it appears that Gus is really, truly giving up his nap these days.*** This is not a drill. It was a precipitous plummet from about 90% weekend**** nap success about a month ago to maybe 30% now. The kicker was the bad strep day when he constantly had a fever and didn’t sleep AT ALL. Yesterday he got really tired and fell asleep on the table while having snack around 5pm, which actually was quite hilarious, as he kept lifting his head and yelling “I’m not asleep!” every time Jonathan and I accused him of sleeping.
Anyway, I still miss the nap. Personally I have always been a fan of the siesta, and I rue its passing in my own life (at least until I get so old that it becomes unavoidable).
* And as a lunchtime treat for me, I discovered a new thing that I love there: the tofu-hijiki burger. It’s mashed up tofu with hijiki + scallions, deep-fried (uuullgghh) and served in a wheat pita with japanese bbq sauce, plus a side salad with carrot-ginger dressing, all for a measly $3.25!!! As Einar would say, so delicious!
** Also, why are they playing this awful mindless alt-rock here in the lunchroom? Why???
*** I fully realize that, as the mother of a 4.25 yr old, I have ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to complain about the nap-giving-up thing. I completely understand if parents of younger children who no longer nap not only stop reading right now, but indeed never read this site again. I totally deserve it, and because I am so well-rested compared to you I can completely accept it.
**** On the weekdays, it’s school’s problem, not mine.
2 comments on “walked down the street looking at my feet”
Man, that is the biggest drag, that same thing happened to me when Gus finally slept through the night when he was 2 — then **I** couldn’t sleep through the night for over a month! My mom claims I slept at night but J’s mom sort of hems + haws when you ask her about J, so I think he’s the no sleeping culprit. Even to this day I need way more sleep than J does.
What’re you doing out west? I’m going to go read your blog and see if I can find out!
I’m glad you realize how lucky you are to have a napper! Max hasn’t had a nap in years and Alex is not about to start. My mom is laughing at me because I didn’t sleep all night until I was 3 years…she can fill in the number of months, weeks, and days to this milestone.
Well I’m out west in another time zone, we’ll see how I do out here. Theoretically I could sleep all night but it’s gotten so that, after like a year of no sleep (started when I was sick a winter ago) all night I can’t do it! Left Snorry, Whiney, and Coughy at home :)