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hi fi lo fi sci fi my fi

maura @ 6:31 pm

I must sheepishly admit that getting that ipod is about the best thing that could have happened to my workout life. I used to think that as long as the gym played music that was over 120 bpm, everything was fine in workoutland. Sure, I don’t love the mindless dance music they play enough to run right out and buy it, but it was fine, really. But you know, I was wrong! Because it turns out that listening to music that I actually own and enjoy not only makes the exercise time fly by, it makes me elliptical machine-icize faster, to boot. Who knew?

There has been a bit of a learning curve for me in loading songs onto the ipod. First I threw a bunch of albums on there, because I’m a complete record* kind of gal. I even put some stuff on there I’d been meaning to listen to but hadn’t gotten around to yet. But see, we have an ipod shuffle; there’s no display, and thus no way to read what song is playing. So that was totally dumb — I ended up having to skip song after song after song to get to one I actually wanted to ellipticize to.

* Who still says record, even in this day and age. Because I sit around all day in my petticoats, listening to my gramaphone. (Yes, I do know that the gramaphone played cylinders, not discs. But it’s such a fun word! Say it with me: GRA-ma-phone.)

Now I’ve finally gotten with the shuffle program and am putting individual songs on it, which works much better. Voxtrot, New Order, Spice Girls, Komeda, that Language of Flowers song that sounds like Lush, and also some Lush, among others. I’ve made exceptions for two records: Pixies Doolittle and Bunnygrunt Jen Fi, because nearly those whole dang records are good for exermacizing.

This ipod may also be the first thing to make me seriously consider getting one of those newfangled vinyl-to-mp3 converters. Because I think that I need to be able to listen to Private Idaho at the gym, too.

7 comments on “hi fi lo fi sci fi my fi”

Anne (10 March 2007 at 9:55 am)

Heh, you’re old! But not as old as I.

I’d forgotten about the Spice Girls until last night. We were attacked by Scary in a parking lot. No, seriously, Max and I were watching “Muppets in Space” and Rizzo has a poster of the “Mice Girls.”

maura (10 March 2007 at 1:16 pm)

Technicality! You’re only beating me by a few months!

I keep forgetting about other Muppet movies! We have the original, which Gus loves, and Treasure Island, which is good when Gus is feeling piratey. Ahoy matey!

Anne (12 March 2007 at 7:52 am)

Treasure Island is only good when that kid is NOT singing! It’s hilarious when they have that cabin fever thing going on. Christmas Carol is good, too, again when they make the humans hush. We like the rats singing “Island in the Sun” when Scrooge threatens them.

maura (13 March 2007 at 8:58 pm)

Gus mostly HATES singing in movies, always makes us fast forward through it. Except he doesn’t do that for Alice in Wonderland or Cinderella. Funny kid.

Anne (15 March 2007 at 2:33 pm)

Well the rats only sing for a few seconds. Scrooge hollers at them for shivering in the cold and they momentarily break into song. Then it’s over. Plus no human singing. Rodent singing is preferable (see: Cinderelly).

maura (16 March 2007 at 9:02 am)

Gus CANNOT get over the fact that one of the mice in Cinderelly is named GusGus. He cracks up *every* time he watches it.

Anne (16 March 2007 at 10:48 am)

Gus! I forgot his name. He’s the best.

I don’t think Max ever cared that his name is the same as the Sendak kid’s. He did find it appalling in pre-K when there was a GIRL named Toni (he has an uncle Tony). He thought that was just wrong!

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