yesterday is gone and now i need an alibi
maura @ 9:54 pm
Please give a warm mauraweb! welcome the two newest members of our household:

Not the greatest picture, but they are at the 2 1/2 month old constantly in motion stage. The one with the white back legs is Caramel, and the skinny one with the narrow face is Gummy (“named after my two favorite kinds of candy” said Gus). There were much tinier kittens at the shelter, but these two are brothers AND already fixed, an extra bonus.
We can’t quite believe we decided to get TWO kittehs, but we did, and so far, so good (though I’m sure we will rue the decision when they’re playing tag on our heads at 4am). They’ve settled in pretty well and already excel at Fiercely Attacking the Dust Mop, Protecting Us From Wayward Bits of Ribbon, Keeping Jonathan Company While Cooking Dinner, and Occasionally Sleeping Quietly Under the Table.
(And yes, can you tell we’ve had a Winnie the Pooh resurgence here lately?)
5 comments on “yesterday is gone and now i need an alibi”
kittens!!! wow!
I love kittens & they look like such sweeties!
Cute! They look like baby Ottos (mom’s cat, ‘cuz he “otto” be someplace else…)
Madeleine thinks cats ARE candy.
Otto bit Alexander the other day (deservedly, he was poking him). Now A. can’t stop talking about it. I think he has new admiration for that cat, as he can now add him to his list of Favorite Biting Animals.
I have to get some more pictures with something for perspective — they really are pretty small still. They’ve been sleeping much of the day which makes me a little nervous for tonight… They’re remarkably sweet, though, and are completely nice + comfortable with us. Plus, now we have an endless supply of raw material for LOLcats!
You have no idea how envious I am! I am incapable of articulating the full extent of my envy!