born to gaze into night skies
maura @ 7:47 pm
Sorry to have been neglecting this here blag lately. Just a short post tonight, as I’ve not yet got over the hump with my work that’s not really job-work but is library-work (and thus, I suppose, is kind of job-work, in a vague, tenure-track way). But more soon, I promise!
So Gus came home from school one day recently, took a piece of folded paper out of his pocket, unfolded it, and said, “this is my laptop.”

Note the apple!

We thought it was pretty cool. He said “it’s a pocket laptop.”

Of course version 2.0 hit a few days later. Note the huge antenna — this baby has a blazing fast wifi connection!

The antenna does make it a bit droopy, though you can flip it backwards to hold up the screen. He gave us a long explanation about what’s happening on the screen here, but I forget what it was. Note the labeled keys in this version, and the “emrginse” button and “spasbar” at the bottom. I wish my computer had an emergency button (I don’t think I need a spaz bar though).

The best part is down in the bottom right corner. “It’s the mouse, mom.” Duh! I love that the tail = the cord. Brilliant. I think the kid has a future!
6 comments on “born to gaze into night skies”
I love that he drew a little face on the mouse too. I fear I already have a “spasbar” — I just didn’t know what to call it, but then I use a PC.
I’ll put you each down for one. I’ll let you know when they go into production — maybe in 15 yrs or so? He’ll have to squeeze it in between his “normal” job as a video-game designer and his “weekend” job of cheesecake baker (inspired by a trip to Junior’s yesterday!).
I was about to lay out cash for a new MacBook, but I will now await the GusBook Paper Edition. And it folds up!!
I’m sure he’ll give you the special grandparent discount! :)
That is frackin’ awesome!!
I love the emrginse button!!