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you’ll freeze and catch a cold

maura @ 10:55 pm

Tired, tired, tired. Thursdays are long days. Take Gus to school. Come home. Try to cram as much (mostly school) work as possible into the next 5 hrs. Head back to pick him up. Often we’ll go to a playground near his old school, so he can run around like a screaming banshee and play the poop game* with the other kids. Then we rush home around 5pm so I can grab dinner (usually eaten while walking to the subway) and get to class by 6:30. Home by 9:30, then settle onto the sofa and watch Weeds.

* You know, the poop game, in which assorted 4-5 yr olds throw themselves in a big pile down a spiral slide, yelling “we’re flushing ourselves down the toilet!” Good times.

Except Weeds is over so tonight it’ll be Veronica Mars. Which is a longer show, so it’s a good thing I’m getting this post written on the visor on the subway now, isn’t it?

Today’s work went really well, actually. I was really attentive and efficient and not tired at all, and I got a crapload done. Wish I could bottle whatever it was (it wasn’t extra coffee, I swear!).

Whoops, now I’m home and at the computer, but Jonathan has too much work to do to watch VM tonight. Bummer, Pee Wee.

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