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i’m a drop in the ocean

maura @ 9:16 pm

A few weeks ago we started getting the newspaper again. We haven’t gotten the physical paper in ages; I’d guess we’ve read it online for close to 10 yrs, if that’s even possible. But over the summer my Reference prof said that one of the things a librarian should do is read the paper every day (one national, one local; lucky us it’s the same paper for both), because people will come in to the library and ask about things they’ve read in the paper. So one day Jonathan just got a fire in his butt and ordered up that dang paper.

We’re getting it weekdays only, because everyone knows nothing happens on the weekends. Also we feel guilty enough about all the trees as it is. Ever since Civics class in 10th grade I’ve had a very strong phobia of newsprint — it is just too messy. Also the newspaper format is a pain to read because you need a huge big table or floor to spread it out on. I am too uncoordinated to be able to read it on a crowded subway, what with the folding and the obsessively trying to not get ink on my hands.

On the other hand, it’s good to be informed. And I do feel like I know more about what’s going on in the city and the world. Online it is very easy to just ignore the stuff you don’t care about. Here in real life I am even paging through the business section (though we do still toss the sports section unopened). Special bonus: as subscribers we now have access to Times Select, which is nice.

On the third hand, when I have a busy week the paper piles up. This week I got through Tuesday (the day with the science section, which I always have to read in toto because I am a nerd) and then crapped out. So I’m spending the weekend working my way backwards from Friday through Wednesday. Did you know that Rumsfeld resigned? Seriously!

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