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i strap on my ear goggles and i’m ready to go

maura @ 9:04 pm

1. My son, the poet

Recently for homework Gus had to choose a fruit, eat it, and write a few descriptive sentences about it in his homework notebook. Here’s what he wrote:

Shiny as a ruby pond, this fruit holds the stars.
Once bitten, it clangs as a ruby, oozing a texture of sweet, ripe juice.

Can you guess what fruit he was eating?*

2. My son, the rapper

I have a new computer! If you want to be amazed by advances in computing technology I highly recommend waiting nearly 7 yrs between machines. This one is very, very fast.

One night last week Jonathan asked me to test out Mac MAME on the new machine. You know, the app that plays all of those old ROMs from video games of the ’80s. Scrolling through the list I picked Burger Time (somewhat at random: there was a whole mess of Atari sports games and this was the first thing my eye caught after them). I played for a few minutes, then Gus came in and was instantly enthralled. It’s kind of a classic dumb ’80s game, but also it’s quite amusing to walk the little chef guy over the patties while the hot dogs and eggs chase him.

Gus wanted to play next, so we set him up and away he went. He’s apparently internalized Jonathan’s constant, low-level, semi-silly rhyming,** because in the midst of playing he busted out with this rap:

Eggs and hot dogs, on my tail
I think I want some, ginger ale

There may have been more to it, but I was laughing too hard to remember.

* raspberries, of course!

** I should talk — the other day I came up with a rap about IRB. Maybe I will share it someday (after I get IRB approval for my research project, of course!).

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3 comments on “i strap on my ear goggles and i’m ready to go”

Em (8 March 2009 at 11:07 am)

So cute!
If I had eggs and hot dogs on my tail, I know I’d want ginger ale.

It reminds me of Beck’s supposedly first rhyme that made it into one of his songs: “goin’ back to Houston / to get me some pants / goin’ back to Houston / do the hot dog dance.”

maura (8 March 2009 at 8:29 pm)

Which reminds me of the crazy banana dancing + singing peanut butter jelly time, which Gus used to loooooooooooove when he was small(er).

Maybe Gus has a future in music! And we’ll be able to retire in style. :)

Anne (8 March 2009 at 9:45 pm)


I thought it was a pomegranate and that the Song of Solomon folks should be shaking in their biblical boots.

But raspberries will never be the same now!

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