sputtering to a stop
maura @ 9:24 pm
Well, that’s it, this NaBloPoMo thing has ended for this year. I feel a bit blah about it compared to years past. I did blag every day, it’s true, but it doesn’t seem like I really gave it my all. There were a few meaty posts, but mostly they were short + very picturey.
Ah well, that’s the way it goes. I guess with the superbusy class time of the semester in the first half of this month, my energies were not as available for writing. Maybe next year I’ll have figured out how to devote more time to writing even during the teaching crush.
Or maybe I’ll just prewrite a bunch of blags before I get too busy, and post them sneakily each day, as if they were written fresh + new! Except that I’ve just blown my cover, dang.
4 comments on “sputtering to a stop”
I do actually kind of miss it, though I am swamped with work this week and could use the time. It is just my secretly huge ego rearing its ugly head, blathering my thoughts all out to the world.
You know, my twitterbook activities have slowed way down now that I’m no longer photocopying handouts for 100+ sections of library instruction classes. Imagine that!
I can smell the all; I can smell the meaty posts! nablopomo! nablopomo! nablopomo!